Participation Traditional Spin Fishing League:
- Within the event we have two leagues combined in one competition: Traditional Spin Fishing & Live Fishing.
- When you fish the Traditional Fishing League it’s not allowed to cary any Live Sonars (parts) on board.
- Both leagues will have their own top 10 of winners. Equal shared prices over both leagues.
Participation Live Fishing League:
- Within the event we have two leagues combined in one competition: Traditional Spin Fishing & Live Fishing.
- When you fish the Live Fishing League it’s only allowed to cary one Live Sonar transducer on board.
- Both leagues will have their own top 10 of winners. Equal shared prices over both leagues.
- There need to be at least 15 registered teams to run the Live Fishing League. If there will be less than 15 teams registered for this league the remaining teams will go automatically to the Traditional Spin Fishing League.
- In case of switching to the Traditional Fishing League all Live Sonars should be removed (or disabled) from the boat.
- Registered Live fishing teams need to understand the possibility that they can be switched to the Traditional Spin Fishing League. In case of a switch, no payment refund will be given if the team therefore will leave the competition.
Participation in general:
- Predatortour Sweden is a CPR (Catch, Photo & Release) sport fishing event with two leagues combined in one competition. Traditional Spin fishing & Live Fishing.
- In both leagues you qualify after you get your 1000 bonus points. (See scoring). Teams who will get the 1000 bonus points are automatically qualified for the next year’s edition. Non-qualified teams will be placed on the waiting list.
- When qualified team members split up, only one team member can earn the qualified titel. Team Captains have pre registration before vice Team Captains.
- Sponsor teams (Premium Partners Predatortour Sweden) will always be marked as qualified.
- Qualified teams Predatortour Sweden have pre-registration for Predatortour Netherlands in the first upcoming event. (Register on time!)
- The results of both leagues will be shown at one leaderboard. Every league will have their own markings at the leader board.
- The day before the competition start it’s prohibited to be at the lake / competition zone to pre-fish.
Marshal / GoPro controlled:
- The Predatortour is a marshal / GoPro controlled sport fishing competition.
- Participating teams can be appointed a marshal or GoPro during the event.
- Team captains need to prepare facilities for an extra person on board (boat seat, etc)
- Team captains need to prepare facilities for a GoPro (YOLOtek) mount on board.
- The task of the marshal / GoPro can be: referee / camera operator (live stream)
- Extra life jackets for the marshal will be provide by the organization.
Team Captains meeting:
- All Team Captain meetings are obligated at all times and are part of the acceptance of the rules & regulations.
- Information given at the Team Captains meeting can overrule the established rules & regulations.
- During the event all Team Captains need to check the email for last minute information. Those emails can overrule the established rules & regulations.
- The team is formed by two anglers who need to catch the fish themselves.
- The team needs to take a picture (with the Predatortour Web App) of the fish on the measuring board provided by the organization.
- After photographing, the fish should immediately be released alive.
Predatortour web app / photos and back-up photos:
- Each participant will download the Predatortour Web App (App store) on his/her smartphone.
- To run the Predatortour Web App, your smartphone requires the latest software update for iOS or Android.
- Non-updated phones can cause Web App failures and is therefore users responsibility.
- Over the 3 competition days the pictures will be made & uploaded with the Predatortour Web App only.
- The picture must show the organization measuring board and unique (daily) QR sticker.
- When the unique (daily) QR sticker isn’t visible the picture is not valid.
- The picture must be taken & sent within the time (start and finish) the competition is active.
- The Predatortour Web App makes back-up pictures on your phone. Other pictures than this back-up pictures are not valid. Pictures taken outside the Predatortour Web App are not valid.
- In case of Predatortour Web App back-up photos, we need free access to your phone gallery (data).
- Back-up photos can be delivered daily after the match day to the organization (with a maximum of 2 hours) after the competition day ends. Pictures given later than 2 hours will expire and won’t count for the competition results!
- Making pictures of the fish (measurement) must be in a horizontal position with the measure board. For the best results the pictures must be made while holding your phone in a vertical (stand-up) position.
- Pictures with dead and / or blood-stained fish are not valid and will be excluded for competition points.
- The fish should be photographed from its left side only. From top till tail with its lip against the top of the board. If the lip is not against the top of the board the fish will be ranked at least 1 cm shorter.
- The 6 biggest Pikes will count for the ranking and the rest will leave automatically from the leaderboard.
- Participants have to save all the back-up pictures until 24 hours after the tournament.
- All pictures who have reasonable doubt of fraud, unfair behavior or have any suspicious marks (damaged fins, netting, stringers, etc) can be declined without any statement of reasons.
- Making the perfect picture is users responsibility. The Predatortour Web App provides a zoom & retake option.
- All pictures made with the Predatortour Web App are the property of Predatortour. It’s prohibited to share those pictures to third parties or use them at all kind of social media. In case of violation those pictures can be declined from the leader board.
- Only one picture per fish.
- Points can be earned as team over the total of three competition days.
- You need to catch at least 6 Pikes and the points are determined by the length of the fish. (1 point per cm)
- Once you catch your 6 pikes (“full card”), you will receive an additional 1000 bonus points at your ranking.
- An individual fish (double catch) can only count one time in the whole competition.
- The minimum size of each fish is: 80 cm. Pikes below the minimum size should immediately be released alive.
- The Predatortour web app will be leading in the ranking and might even overrule the regular points. Reclamations and complains about the results can be spoken with the organization within 2 hours after the competition day(s) is over.
- At equal points (score board) the team with the biggest Pike(s) makes the winner.
Measurement board & GPS tracker:
- An official Predatortour measuring board & GPS will be provided at the Team Captain check-in to each team.
- You are obliged to use this measure board & GPS provided by the organization.
- You pay 1000SEK / €100, – deposit for GPS tracker. After returning the GPS, you will receive your deposit.
- A GPS tracker is also integrated in the Predatortour Web App. Notification: Smartphone GPS must be switched on during the event!
Start & finish:
- The daily start can deviate from the competition program due to unforeseen circumstances. When the start is early or delayed, corresponding the competition program, this won’t affect the given finish time.
- The finish time is always binding corresponding the competition program unless told different by head organization.
- The time given by organization, is always leading as actual competition time. Time check will be given at the Team Captains meeting.
- During the daily start procedures all teams must follow all instructions given by organization.
- It’s not allowed to start before the “start signal” is given by the organization.
- Teams who don’t follow the start instructions given by the organization can be disqualified or given a time penalty.
- Only using one rod per person at the same time is allowed.
- Only artificial lead-free lures are allowed during the competition.
- It is prohibited to use more than one lure per rod.
- It is prohibited to use lures otherwise than attached to a rod.
- It is prohibited to use treble hooks with barbs. We fish barbless only!
- Multiple rig/hook-systems like: paternosters and hook/rig-constructions etcetera are not allowed.
- The following fishing method is allowed: casting only.
- Trolling is (planner boards / down riggers) not allowed.
- Fishing with dead, live or cut bait or other forms of live bait are not allowed during the competition.
- It is prohibited to attach external (fishing) lines / rig systems to the boat itself in order to catch fish.
Live technology fishing:
- Live technology fishing is only allowed in the Live Fishing League.
- When you fish the Live Fishing its only allowed to cary one Live Sonar on board.
- It’s allowed to use your outboard engine during live technology fishing / searching for fish.
- It’s not allowed to practice vertical jigging (“dropping”) during live technology fishing. Casting only!
Competition behaviors & guidelines:
- A team consists of two anglers per boat.
- Before the competition start all teams (boats) will be inspected by the organization at a specified time and location.
- Changing boats is only allowed in case of emergency / engine failure after approval of the organization.
- During the competition it is forbidden to exit the specified fishing competition area, to approach another boat and / or to approach the shore.
- During the competition, the minimum distance between all (fishing) boats is 150 meters.
- There can only be fished in the indicated competition area.
- With poor weather the organization provides an alternative program on the spot (competition day swap), etc.
- The competition will be fished over three competition days.
- During or before the competition start, the organization can decide for an earlier retirement. The organization then determines whether the lost fishing time will be recovered or not.
- If the competition will be shortened in time or days the current leader board will be adopted and will determine the winning teams. Therefore we strongly recommend to fish for “the win” since the first cast at day one.
- If the competition will be shortened in time or days, there won’t be given any money refunds.
Conduct, prohibitions and obligations:
- During the competition it is prohibited to fish in restricted areas given by law or organization.
- During the competition it is prohibited (without consulting organization) to switch a member of a team.
- During the competition it is prohibited to kill and / or take any fish.
- Before and during the competition it is forbidden to use live/dead bait to lure the fish.
- It is also forbidden for third parties to use live/dead bait to lure fish in benefit of participants.
- Before and during the competition it is forbidden to stock fish by keeping them in any kind of containers like stringers, boat compartments, storage containers and / or other types of nets.
- During the competition it is forbidden to use lip grippers.
- During the competition (and remaining days) it is forbidden to deposit waste in the water or anywhere else at the competition campus.
- Per team at least one hook cutter and proper unhooking tools must be available.
- It is obligated to wear a life jacket during the competition.
- During the competition it is forbidden to approach local anglers, boaters or other navigations within a range of 150 meters.
- In case of failure to respect and / or follow the prescribed rules & regulations disqualification will follow automatically.
- If fish die, by cause of apparent negligence of the participants, disqualification will follow automatically.
- Participants arriving late for the competition, will be disqualified for the day and therefore dispose of one day less fishing.
- Participants arriving late on the last competition day will be given a time penalty.
- Intentionally and negligent treatment of fish will follow into disqualification automatically.
- When misconducting such as brawling, disturbing drunkenness, vandalism, etc. you will be disqualified automatically and excluded from further competition.
- If participating boats meet other participating boats within a radius of 150 meter they will be both disqualified.
- When fishing with dead, live or cut bait or other live baits, disqualification will follow automatically.
- By feeding any type of pre bait before or during the entire competition, disqualification will follow automatically.
- When fishing outside the assigned competition fishing area, disqualification will follow.
- When one or two of the participants set foot on land during Match Day, disqualification will follow.
- When the organization must intervene in case of “emergency” as a result of lacking behavior of the participants (empty fuel tank etc.), disqualification will follow.
- Disqualification of the participants will be determined by the organization only.
- When you feel the need to violate the regulations, you have to update the organization (either by phone or face-to-face), to prevent your team from disqualification.
- There can be deviation of the regulations only, if you have the permission of the organization to do so.
Insurance policy:
- Participating teams (boats) must be insured during the competition days against legal liability for damage to third parties as well as damage to all on board persons.
- The insurance must also provide coverage for participating in fishing competitions. Boat owner must be in possession to all legal insurance policies during the event.
- Without all legal insurance policies the team is not allowed to start at the competition. All teams need to bring insurance policy to the team captain check-in.
Safety and emergency:
- Participating fishing boats should be able to fish at big water.
- All boats must be equipped as given by the Swedish law.
- Each member of the team must be in possession of a swimming license.
- All participants (all persons on board) must wear a life jacket within competition time.
- It’s recommended to have one set of spare clothes on board. (Falling overboard)
- It’s recommended to have an extra full reserve fuel tank on board.
- It’s recommended to have an anchor with rope or a Minn Kota Talon / Raptor on board. (Emergency and / or broken engine)
- Teams must be in possession of the organization phone number.
- It is prohibited to anchor in the fairway or other parts of the track that will hinder traffic.
- All of above is for users responsibility. In case of emergencies the organization will help as much as possible to bring a team to a safe place. A safe place is the first place available somewhere at the track.
- The organization is not responsible for any claims due to users responsibility.
- The organization is not a “towing company”. In case of any engine failure user has to take care of transport to trailer ramp, port or harbor themselves.
Boat inspection:
- Every day before the start of the competition, the organization runs a complete check-up on all boats. After approval, the unique QR sticker will be provided on the team measure board.
- The organization reserves the right to check the above requirements of safety and emergency on a daily, continuous basis at any moment during the event.
- The organization will carry a recognizable yellow Predatortour safety vest.
Guidelines in general:
- The competition area must be left clean after the event.
- The competition area must be pointed out clearly and in time in favor of the “free fisherman”.
- Carefully handle the fish, C & R only.
- The organization monitors nuisance of participants to others.
- The competition area must be accessed via existing roads and / or dykes.
- Instructions given by the organization must immediately be followed.
- No garbage must be left behind at the competition area.
- It is forbidden to damage the competition area and surroundings.
- Failure to respect the above points will lead to total exclusion of the participant(s) from further participations and damage will possibly be recovered.
- The official document (license) with all rules and practices is available at the organization.
- Participation in the Predatortour is entirely based on your own risk.
- You should always respect all statutory regulations. This applies before, during and after the competition and your whole stay.
- You must be insured for liability, loss, theft, property damage, accidents, etc.
- Completed payments will not be refunded by Predatortour. (See payment terms)
- For more information: Disclaimer
- We work together with the Swedish sport fishing agency and give them the general catching reports after the competition. This report contains: the fish species, including length and numbers. In this report isn’t any personal data or GPS locations. The sport fishing agency use this information for research only.
- All (GPS) data will be deleted 24 hours after the tournament is over.
- For more information: Privacy
Medical help:
- Participants must be insured for sickness, accidents and medical help.
- In case of accidents or illness participant should self-report to a (local) doctor.
- In case of an emergency call the international emergency number: 112
- In case of minor injuries you can always contact the organization.
- Organization number: +31627964586
- Reclamations can only be given until 2 hours after the competition day is over.
- All reclamations given later than 2 hours after the competition day is over, will expire and won’t taken care of.
For approval:
- The organization of the Predatortour cannot be held responsible for malfunctioning (software / internet) of the Predatortour Web App. Participants have to keep all their competition photos until 24 hours after the tournament, in order to let the organization take the leader board decision manually.
- The Predatortour Web App will always be leading in the ranking, and could even be contradictive with rules mentioned above. Obvious software mistakes will be the exception and will be followed by the organization manually judge and announce the results.
- The participants need to agree with all these rules, ticket terms, conditions and regulations.
- In case of participation you automatically agree with all the given rules, ticket terms, conditions and regulations.
- When your registration is complete, you will sign for your agreement concerning disclaimer, privacy, ticket terms, conditions and rules & regulations.
- When you do not agree with the disclaimer, privacy, ticket terms, conditions and rules & regulations, you will be ruled out for participation of Predatortour.
- Participants who will deliberately violate the disclaimer, privacy, ticket terms, conditions and rules & regulations, such as cheating, will be excluded for all (future) Predatortour editions.
- The (daily) Team Captains briefing will also been seen as a part of the rules and regulations.
- By acknowledging, agreeing and signing (Team Captains letter) of all of the above named disclaimer, privacy, ticket terms, conditions and rules & regulations, the Predatortour organization cannot be held responsible for calamities.
- The organization will communicate all invoices, payments, news and information by email direct to the team captains. Therefore it’s the team captains responsibility that he will receive the organization emails at all times. The organization is not responsible for missing emails at all times.
For any questions regards the rules & regulations. Go to: Contact